7 Signs That Your Garage Door Tracks Need to Be Replaced

garage doors simi valley

Garage doors are a crucial home component, providing both security and convenience. However, the tracks that guide the door’s movement can become worn or damaged over time, leading to various problems. If you’re experiencing issues with your garage door, consider replacing the tracks. In this article, we’ll go over seven signs that your garage door tracks need to be replaced, so you can keep your home safe and secure.

1. Off-Balance or Crooked Garage Door

The first sign that your garage doors in Los Angeles tracks may need to be replaced is if the door is off balance or crooked. If your garage door is leaning to one side, it indicates that the tracks are not functioning properly. The tracks are responsible for guiding the garage door as it moves up and down, and if they are worn or damaged, they can cause the door to become misaligned.

A misaligned garage door can be a safety hazard as it can cause the door to come off its tracks and fall unexpectedly. It can also cause strain on the garage door opener, which can lead to further damage. If your garage door is off balance or crooked, it’s important to address it immediately by calling in a Socal garage door installation expert.

2. Excessive Noise During Operation

Another sign that your Socal garage door tracks may need to be replaced is if you notice excessive noise during operation. If your garage door is making loud grinding or scraping noises as it moves, it may be a sign that the tracks are worn or damaged. The tracks are designed to guide the garage door smoothly and quietly, so any unusual sounds should be investigated.

Various factors, including worn or damaged tracks, loose hardware, or worn rollers, can cause excessive noise during operation. It’s important to have a professional technician inspect the garage door and tracks to determine the root cause of the problem.

3. Visible Damage to the Tracks

Another sign that your Socal garage doors tracks may need to be replaced is if there is visible damage to the tracks. The tracks can become damaged due to various factors, including accidents, harsh weather conditions, or normal wear and tear.

Common types of visible damage include bends, dents, or cracks in the tracks. Even small amounts of damage can cause problems with the garage door’s operation, so it’s important to address any issues as soon as possible. If the damage is severe or extensive, it may be necessary to replace the tracks entirely.

4. Garage Door Stops During Operation

If your garage door stops during operation, it’s a clear sign that there is a problem with the tracks. The tracks are responsible for guiding the garage door as it moves, and if they are worn or damaged, they can cause the door to stop unexpectedly.

Several reasons a garage door may stop during operation include debris on the tracks, loose hardware, or misaligned tracks. If the issue persists even after cleaning the tracks and tightening the hardware, it may be necessary to replace the tracks entirely.

5. Slow or Jerky Garage Door Movement

If you notice that your garage door is moving slower than usual or is jerky during operation, it may be a sign that the tracks must be replaced. The tracks are responsible for guiding the garage door smoothly as it moves up and down, and if they are worn or damaged, they can cause the door to move unevenly. Slow or jerky garage door movement can also be caused by worn or damaged rollers or loose hardware. However, if these issues have been ruled out, it may be time to replace the tracks.

6. Garage Door Comes Off the Tracks

If your garage door comes off the tracks, it’s a clear sign that a serious problem must be addressed immediately. The tracks are designed to keep the garage door in place as it moves up and down, and if they become misaligned or damaged, the door can come off the tracks.

A garage door that has come off the tracks can be a safety hazard and can cause damage to the door and other parts of the garage. If this happens, it’s important to stop using the garage door immediately and call a professional technician to inspect the tracks and make any necessary repairs.

7. Uneven Gap Between the Garage Door and the Floor

If you notice an uneven gap between the garage door and the floor, it may be a sign that the tracks are worn or damaged. An uneven gap can also be caused by worn or damaged rollers or loose hardware. However, if these issues have been ruled out, it may be time to replace the tracks.

A professional garage door spring installation technician can inspect the tracks and determine the root cause of the problem. They may recommend replacing the tracks or performing other repairs to improve the garage door’s alignment. You can ensure your garage door operates smoothly and safely by addressing issues with an uneven gap between the garage door and the floor. Read about the Reasons to Consider a Smart Garage Door now!